Full findings due to be published

28 July 2017

Cladding and insulation used in at least 60 tower blocks has failed a new government fire safety test, reports the BBC.

Local Government Association chairman Lord Porter told the BBC that housing associations and private sector landlords will be among those that own the 60 tower blocks which failed the new fire test.

The Department for Communities and Local Government will publish its full findings of the "whole system fire test", along with guidance, later today.

The test involved starting a fire underneath a large-scale mock-up of the insulation system used at Grenfell Tower.

The mock-up used a so-called PIR plastic foam, a type of combustible insulation, and aluminium panels with a combustible polyethylene plastic core.

This is the most flammable of the six combinations of insulation and cladding that will be tested.

Previously the core of cladding from tower blocks was tested, but Lord Porter said: "It was fairly evident from the Grenfell fire that there was more than just the panels that was a fire risk on that building."

Lord Porter said he hoped the Treasury would provide some of the money required by local government to replace cladding.

He added that current "building regulations" were "not fit for purpose".

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